Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Like Rob Bell

Rob Bell is coming out with a new book. I'm really excited about it even though I've never actually read one of his books all the way through. I've listened to a couple audio books, watched a couple of his full length seminar videos, and watched several of his Nooma videos. I have been very impressed and I have seen enough of him to know that I like Rob Bell.

I've had the feeling while watching and listening to him, that he was controversial. I couldn't put my finger on it but something about him just whispered, "I don't fit in with the Christian mainstream. They don't like me. I make them uncomfortable." Maybe it's his liberal slant (politically speaking) towards the poor and the environment. I'm guessing he listens to NPR more than Fox News. He just doesn't fit in and I think that is why I like him.

I love to see the stereotypical church goer uncomfortable. I love it when Tommy, a drummer in our middle class, Midwestern, mainstream church, has his mohawk dyed red and green for Christmas service or our worship team plays a special from Evanescence or the Beatles. This is how I see Rob Bell effecting the church. He brings up questions that make us squirm and sometimes question things we have not worked out for ourselves, things we just believed on face value because our parents, pastor, or Sunday school teacher told us to.

There has already been some controversy regarding the new book, which doesn't hit shelves for another four weeks. Some think it is a marketing stunt but others believe it is a dangerous direction to take readers. Several well respected people in the church have questioned his theology saying he is approaching or embracing Universalism. As I understand it, universalism is the belief that everyone goes to heaven and that hell is empty. “Love Wins” will be interesting to read and I look forward to seeing where he falls on the issue. Depending on where he lands, it may be the last book of his I read or listen to. I sure hope not because I like Rob Bell.