Sunday, March 14, 2010

WebMD, Church, and a Giant First Step

Most of you have probably heard of WebMD, but for those of you that haven't, WebMD is a site where you can find all sorts of information regarding medical matters, such as what to expect from certain tests or treatments from your doctor or laboratory. Sounds pretty useful doesn't it? Well, the site also functions as a diagnostic tool and, if you haven't tried it out for yourself yet, I suggest you avoid it.

Several years ago my heart was "fluttering" or felt like it was skipping a beat periodically. There did not seem to be a pattern, rhyme, or reason for it. So I went to WebMD and searched for various symptoms like "fluttering", "irregular", and "heartrate" just to see what could be the problem. That was a big mistake for a worrier like me. WebMD gave me a list of ailments and maladies that I was sure were going to be my demise. I had been exhibiting symptoms from almost all of the conditions listed, anything from congenital heart failure, arteriosclerosis, a torn achilles, and they said I may have even been pregnant. It was awful.

I had a WebMD moment in church this morning. The pastor was talking about Pride. He gave the list of the symptoms for someone struggling with Pride and I was suffering from all of the them: arrogance, insecurity, defensiveness, and being overly critical. While these may not bring about my immediate death, they sure have the ability to impact my life and the lives around me.

Just last night my wife innocently commented that she would like to have a wood laminate floor in the dining room and I instantly jumped to the conclusion that she was unhappy with my ability to provide for the family and lack of "handyman" skills. Sounds like insecurity and defensiveness to me and I have times when I am overly critical with the kids, my wife, and even myself. I struggle with arrogance too, especially when I feel that I deserve better than what I have received.

While I was not actually suffering arteriosclerosis or congenital heart failure or anything else WebMD proposed those many years ago, I am confident at my diagnosis as a prideful man. I don't appear to be suffering this disease alone however. C.S. Lewis said "There is one vice of which no man in the world is free...the vice I am talking of is Pride."

Thankfully, it appears that today in church I also took a big first step by realizing I am prideful. C.S. Lewis also pointed out that "If anyone would like to acquire humility, I can, I think, tell him the first step. The first step is to realize that one is proud." One step down, but I have a feeling the rest of the steps will take the rest of my life to perfect. I better get started...


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